Colliers International has recently published a report, ( that should be for us quite a nice thing to read. According to the experts from Colliers the European market of warehouse and industrial space is going to grow within the next 10 years. Poland and Turkey are said to be the countries with the biggest potential. The third position that Poland is supposed to achieve as far as consumables expenses and an increase of production are concerned means that Poland will matter a lot on the European logistics market. We may witness a real boom on the warehouse space market. According to the experts from Colliers, Gdansk/Gdynia, Lodz, Katowice/Wroclaw, Bratislava (Slovakia) / Brno (Czech Republic), Ismir (Turkey), Belgrade / Nis (Serbia), Istanbul (Turkey), Moscow (Russia) oraz Saint Petersburg (Russia) are among main logistics centers. The area between Lodz, Piotrków and Stryków is called Polish golden triangle of logistics. 130.000 cars are supposed to drive through Stryków every day.
15 May 2012